Perfect Teacher-Led CPD




All successful schools have one thing in common – they are full of brilliant teachers. This doesn’t happen by chance. If schools are to develop their teachers into first rate reflective and high performing practitioners, they need a varied and personalised CPD programme – based on collaboration and sharing best practice. This book looks at how schools can move away from the ‘one size fits all’ approach to CPD that still exists in a number of schools, to a CPD programme that will appeal to a range of teachers, unlocking the potential that exists within the staffroom. It’s about excellence from within. The book covers; leadership, school improvement, staff development, teaching excellence, growth mindsets and much more.

Chapters include:
1. Why Teachers Matter – Why CPD Matters
2. 15 Minute Forums
3. Coaching
4. Learning Development Groups
5. Action Research
6. Professional Learning Visits
7. INSET Days and Staff Meetings
8. Lesson Observation Review and Reflection
9. TeachMeets
10. Lesson Study
11. Social Media
12. Student-Led CPD
13. Next Steps