You: Rebranded




Throughout your career, change is inevitable. As roles, responsibilities and challenges change, so must you. Rebranding and reinventing yourself to adapt to new environments is essential in order to embrace challenges, targets and prospects.

You: Rebranded takes a sideways but forward-thinking look at the changing landscape of work, explores unconventional thinking and practice and provides creative strategies to make you stand out, be distinctive and be equipped for change throughout the different stages of your career.

You: Rebranded is full of advice and creative strategies you need to know about. Whether you are at the start of your career, thinking about a career change,  seeking promotions or starting your own business, there is plenty for you  here to think about and start making changes. Packed with road tested advice, interviews with industry experts and signposts to further reading, You: Rebranded will change the way you think about your career and much, much more. Invest in yourself with the complete guide to personal branding, standing out from the crowd and future-proofing your skills.

Rethink, React, Rebrand.


  • Identifying how to make your skills future-proof and relevant to more industries
  • Understanding how technology has changed the way we communicate
  • Knowing your industry to give you a competitive edge
  • Developing strategies and techniques to become more distinctive
  • Becoming more aware of the vocabulary you use to describe yourself
  • Adopting fresh perspectives on the notion of challenge, failure and success
  • Exploring how curiosity increases opportunities
  • Understanding the importance of experience and connectivity to increase prospects
  • Creating an appreciation of your support network
  • Learning the importance of being optimised to support your career development.