The Competency Curriculum Toolkit




Co-authored by Jackie Beere and Helen Boyle.

You can have students with great exam results or you can have capable, confident lifelong learners.

In learning, like in life, it ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it. We know that you are being hounded to get those grades. That’s the game we play. But what we sometimes forget is that the teacher can write the rules. You can get those grades by spoon-feeding learners. Or you can get the grades and help them become young people who will succeed no matter what the 21st century throws at them. Written by a true pioneer in the development of the ‘competency curriculum’, this book is full of practical ideas and resources to help develop flexible, self-motivated learners. It comes with a CD-ROM with examples of good practice, sample lessons, assessment strategies, schemes of work and PowerPoint presentations for training staff and students.