A Moon on Water




Co-authored by Roy Leighton, Steve Bowkett, Tim Harding and Trisha Lee. 

Passing tests is about what you know and being intelligent is about what you think. Being human, though, is about how you feel.

Natural curiosity, a sense of playfulness and fun, the urge to question, the ability to stop, look and reflect – these are the resources that all children possess to explore who they are, what they are and why they are anything at all in the first place. But they need to learn how to use these resources. A Moon on Water is a workbook of practical ideas and activities to help children develop these tools and can be used as a basis for philosophical enquiry, for exploring feelings, for enhancing emotional resourcefulness and for adding the dimension of values to the subjects and knowledge that children study. In short, this book seeks to show children how to connect who they are, with what they do, with why they are here.