Ever wished that school could be more about learning and less about, well, school?
Then Zoë Elder and her ‘Full-On Learning’ approach will help you remember why you came into the classroom in the first place as well as inspire you to want to stay there for longer.
Whether it’s running groups of G&T learners, working with school leaders or helping classroom teachers come to grips with PLTS, SEAL or whatever it is that the government is throwing our way, Zoë specialises in ‘Full-On Learning’. As one client said recently about one of her sessions:
“I did warn you … Zoë doesn’t do ‘slow’! In addition to making us think, she has also given us a master-class on presentation skills.”
Zoë was one of the youngest teachers to become an AST and is currently Gifted and Talented Manager in the South West of England where her remit includes managing learner-led initiatives, student conferences, teacher research projects, leading a team of ASTs, learner voice, with a good dose of PLTS and AfL for good measure. All with a focus on moving learners and teachers into top gear and really re-energising and reinvigorating what goes on in schools.