David Hodgson was brought to our attention not only for the great work he has been doing with young people and those who work with them on motivation, goal setting, life skills and employability, but also because of his inspirational and entertaining delivery – fast paced, relevant, effective and fun. ‘He had the audience eating out of his hand’ as our spy reported back to us.
Up until recently he was working under the careers adviser banner in the North East and it was here that he was able to develop a package of materials he calls The Buzz. Published as a book by Crown House, The Buzz uses the sorts of strategies and techniques you would associate more with high profile business development and training rather than with young people in education and David has shown just how relevant, applicable and powerful these ideas are when used in this way.
In particular he has adapted personality type theory to make it easy to use with young people to help them better understand themselves and others. In turn, this helps them to make better decisions about their futures and their careers as well as improving the quality of their relationships and communication skills in their day-to-day lives.
He combines this with a healthy dose of NLP (and if you don’t know what this is a) you really should as it such a powerful tool in the classroom b) it’s where the notion of VAK comes from and c) check out the book Introducing NLP by Seymour and O’Connor) to teach young people, teachers, mentors and trainers simple tools to use with themselves and others to get more out of life, now and in the future.
By this author:
- The Brain Box
- The Little Book of Charisma
- The Buzz – New Edition
- Personality in the Classroom
- The Little Book of Inspirational Teaching Activities
Book David Hodgson for your event
To enquire about booking this author at speaking events, please email learn@independentthinking.co.uk